Hair loss thinning is a problem that affects millions of people. That means men and women alike. However with advances in science, we can now figure out the cause of hair loss. This helps to not only know how to reverse the hair loss but prevent it as well. Preventing hair loss is a miracle some people have been waiting for.
The most common form of hair loss thinning is androgenic alopecia, which is male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness. This is a hereditary condition in which your body turns testosterone into DHT or dihydrotestosterone. While testosterone makes hair grow, DHT has the opposite affect and makes you lose your hair. Scientists have figured out how to narrow down the gene that causes androgenic alopecia. This is helpful in preventing hair loss because you can have a DNA test run on your hair to see if you carry the gene that causes this condition. This test will not tell you whether you will go bald or not. It only tells you if you carry the genetic markers that cause male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness. There are many forms of hair loss and this is just one of the causes. So just because you do not carry the gene, does not mean you will live your life with a full head of hair and no worries.

Knowing the conditions you have that can cause hair loss is another way you can help prevent hair loss. Conditions such as autoimmune disorders, thryroid problems and even diabetes can cause hair loss. Even medications you are taking for your conditions can cause hair loss. The best thing you can do is talk to your doctor and see if anything you are taking or any conditions you may have can cause you to lose your hair. Discuss your concerns over hair loss with your doctor. He or she can help keep an eye on it and give you the best advice on how to treat the issue.
One of the best solutions to preventing hair loss thinning though is proper nutrition. Your body needs the right vitamins and minerals to make sure that it functions properly and your hair is no difference. Even though protein is the main component of hair, it is not the only nutrient your body need. You need to have plenty of vitamins, magnesium, zinc, copper, vitamin C and E and many others. A good diet with this is important as well to keeping your hair. Studies have shown a correlation between high fat diets and hair loss. Therefore, your best solution is to eat a diet low in fat and high in protein in conjunctions with a multivitamin supplement for healthy hair.
Knowing the risk factors for hair loss is the best place to start. Watch for early signs of balding and make sure f it starts you seek treatment as soon as possible. This will help you keep the hair you have and can even help reverse the hair loss as well.
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