Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hair Loss Causes and Symptoms and Hair Fall or Baldness Treatment

Hair loss has been a com­mon prob­lem for many around the world. There are var­i­ous rea­sons for hair loss which can be both psy­cho­log­i­cal and phys­i­cal. The effects of hair loss vary from one to another. Today, hair experts have devel­oped mul­ti­tude of solu­tions for var­i­ous hair loss prob­lems. Some hair loss treat­ments involve inva­sive surgery while most oth­ers require med­i­c­i­nal treat­ments. Some hair loss causes are gen­der spe­cific. Male testos­terone, thy­roid prob­lems, stress and diet are few of the main rea­sons of hair loss.

Read more on Hair Loss Treat­ment and Total Fair­ness Cream and Home Reme­dies for Baldness

Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss causes are a quite con­tentious issue as there is no uni­ver­sal agree­ment about what are the main fac­tors that cause loss of hair.

As a mat­ter of fact, unlike clin­ics have their own opin­ion on this prob­lem and develop their own ways of treat­ment as a result.

Signs and symptoms

Male-pattern bald­ness (andro­ge­netic spe­cial­ize). For men, pat­tern bald­ness can begin very early, even in the teens or early 20s. It’s typ­i­cally char­ac­ter­ized by a reced­ing hair­line at the tem­ples and bald­ing at the top of the head. The end result may be par­tial or com­plete baldness.

A woman may notice a decrease in the size of her pony­tail.
Aside from the thin­ning hair itself, most peo­ple do not have other prob­lems asso­ci­ated with hair loss.

Treat­ment of Hair Loss

Nat­ural Treat­ments for Hair Loss is diet. A diet that con­tains whole foods, par­tic­u­larly the outer skin of plants such as pota­toes, cucum­bers, green and red pep­pers, and sprouts can give strength to hair because they are rich in the min­eral sil­ica. Foods that are high in iron, such as lean meats, are impor­tant for peo­ple with a known iron deficiency.

Some forms of hair loss can be pre­vented by prac­tic­ing good nutri­tion, min­i­miz­ing stress, and sen­si­ble hair­dress­ing tech­niques. Hair loss from fun­gal infec­tions can be pre­vented by never shar­ing combs, hats, or brushes with other peo­ple and by keep­ing hair clean and the top­i­cal treat­ments may help slow or pre­vent the devel­op­ment of com­mon male pat­tern baldness.

Home Reme­dies for Hair Loss

Home reme­dies for Hair Loss with Mus­tard Oil and Henna Leaves

Mus­tard oil, boiled with henna leaves, is help­ful for healthy growth of hair. About 250 ml of mus­tard oil must be boiled in a tin basin and about sixty grams of henna leaves should be slowly put in this oil till they are burnt in the oil. The oil must then be fil­tered using a cloth and stored. Nor­mal mas­sage of the head with the oil will cre­ate abun­dant hair.

Treat­ment for Hair Loss with Coconut Milk

The appli­ca­tion of coconut milk all over the scalp and rub­bing it into the hair roots is also use­ful in the treat­ment of hair loss. It feeds the hair and endorses hair growth. Coconut milk is made by crush­ing the coconut shav­ings and squeez­ing them well.

Hair Loss treat­ment with Lime-Pepper Seeds

Cer­tain home reme­dies have also been found help­ful in the treat­ment of patchy hair­less­ness. The most valu­able of these reme­dies
is the seeds of lime and black pep­per, ground jointly to get a well paste. This paste applied on the patches, has a gen­tly irri­tant action. This increases blood cir­cu­la­tion to the affected area and rouse hair growth. This paste must be applied two times in a day, for a few weeks.

Hair Loss treat­ment with Liquorice

The paste of liquorice, made by crush­ing the pieces in milk with a pinch of saf­fron, is another pre­cious rem­edy for patchy bald­ness. This paste must be applied over the bald patches at night before going to bed.

Hair Loss treat­ment with help Onion

Onion is also use­ful in patchy bald­ness. The affected area should be mas­saged with onions morn­ing and evening till it is red. It must be rubbed with honey after that.

Hair Loss treat­ment via Pigeon Pea

A fine paste made from pigeon pea or red gram can also be applied often on bald patches for bet­ter results.

Hair Loss treat­ment with Other Remedies

Daily appli­ca­tion of refined coconut oil, mixed with lime water and lime juice on the hair, avoids hair loss and length­ens it. Appli­ca­tion of the juice of green corian­der leaves on the head is also regarded help­ful. Daily use of cas­tor oil as hair oil assists the lux­u­ri­ant growth of the hair.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Breakthrough in Hair Loss Treatment 2010

Lately there has been a great breakthrough in hair loss treatment 2010. This great breakthrough has come in the fact that we have now learned how to treat hair problems in a way that is effective and known to work well. This breakthrough in hair loss treatment 2010 is caused by amazing new products on the market that just about everyone can afford without breaking the bank.

What is this new breakthrough in hair loss treatment 2010 ?

Well, this biggest breakthrough is that we have learned that our health is very much connected to hair problems. If you are smoking or not taking care of your body then the breakthrough in hair loss treatment 2010 will not help you much because you are causing the hair problems on your own. You must stop hurting your self to begin with.

What things can you do to preventhair problems?

You should start drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day to ensure that you are not losing your hair due to a lack of moisture. This new breakthrough in hair loss treatment 2010 is directly connected to the fact that your water should be hydrated at all time and you need to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

What else can I do to stop my hair from falling out?

If you pay attention to all the solutions that I have provided then you will be on a sure path to stopping your problems now. Other solutions from the breakthrough for follicle problems is that you should get plenty of exercise. The more exercise you get the less likely you will continue to lose hair and not benefit from the breakthrough in hair loss treatment 2010.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Is Male Hair Loss Prevention Just a Myth Or Can You Actually Stop Hair Loss?

How many products have you used that promised male hair loss prevention, yet did not help? If you are like many men you are probably tired of trying a new product every time it comes along all for nothing.

Advertisements inundate us with all sorts of products that are supposed to do this or that when it comes to hair loss. They may tell you the product contains the latest in scientific breakthroughs for hair loss.

How do you know if this is the truth? Do you just continue to buy products as they become available to see if they will work?

When is it all going to end and allow you to find one product that actually helps? One way you can put a stop to this is to do a little research that will help you to understand what happens when your hair begins to fall out.

This will allow you to make a better choice by utilizing products that are designed to help. The products that you choose will be the ones that are designed to take care of the cause of the hair loss.

One very common reason, as you will find, is DHT. This is formed by testosterone when your body has too much.

DHT then attacks hair follicles and attaches itself to them. Once this happens, they slowly smother the hair follicle.

The hair follicle will then shrink and stop producing hair. Hair will fall out in large amounts.

You will notice that your hair is getting thinner because it is not growing back. Since no hair grows back, soon you will begin to get bald spots.

Often this causes panic and the person begins to think about hair transplants. Before you get too drastic and begin to think about these expensive and painful treatments, you should check out the use of all natural products that can grow the hair back naturally.

Instead of thinking that hair loss treatments are just a myth, do a little more research on the ingredients used in these products. Vitamins are one of the things used, particularly B vitamins.

Biotin is one of these B vitamins that have shown beneficial results at regrowing hair. There are also minerals such as zinc and magnesium.

In addition, herbs such as horsetail, nettle and saw palmetto are also known as deterrents to DHT. Studies conducted on these herbs show benefits that were known many years ago by our ancestors.

They work by stopping DHT from choking off the hair follicles. Once a stop is put to this process, the hair can begin to grow again.

Now that you know this much about how these products are supposed to work, you can find the ones that have the right ingredients. This will allow you to stop the hair loss before it gets out of control.